Reliably Secure Software Systems (RS3) –
DFG Priority Programme 1496
Exploring assistant positions are intended for female students that are interested in research topics of an RS3 project, but did not work in this research area before. The position shall allow female students to gather experience in the research area without the obligation to commit for an extended student assistant position. Therefore the positions are limited to three months. However, the exploring phase should encourage the student to continue working in this area. Consequently this means that the student should have the option to join as a regular research assistant in the project after the exploring phase.
The overall goal of these positions is to attract more female students to the research areas of RS3 and in consequence increase the number of female researchers in the future.
If you are a female Bachelor or Master student interested in an exploring assistant position, we advice you to approach researchers who work within the RS3 project of your interest directly and discuss your interests with them.
The application for an exploring assistant position must contain the following information
Please send the application as a PDF file to We must receive the application at least one month before the position should start. After a thorough check of the application we will give feedback to the applicant, if the positions will be funded as a exploring assistant position.