RS3 Logo
Final Event
of the DFG Priority Program
"Reliably Secure Software Systems (RS3)"
September 4-6, 2017
Darmstadt, Germany

Keynote and Practitioner Speakers

We are proud that the following speakers gave keynote talks at the final event of RS3:

Lujo Bauer

Carnegie Mellon University

"Web Browsers and the Coming of Age of Information Flow Security"

Jorge Cuéllar

Siemens AG

"Taming IoT"

Philippa Gardner

Imperial College London

"Trustworthy Software Specification"

Fabio Massacci

University of Trento

"The Work Averse Attacker Model"

Carroll Morgan

Data61 and University of New South Wales

"What do Hyper-Distributions have to do with Security?"

Ravi Sandhu

University of Texas at San Antonio

"Attribute-Based Access Control: Insights and Challenges"

Fred B. Schneider

Cornell University

"Security from Tags"

Tomasz Truderung

Polyas GmbH

"Building Secure E-Voting Software"