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A. Bichhawat, Rajani, V., Garg, D., and Hammer, C.,
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L. Fennell and Thiemann, P.,
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A. Bichhawat, Rajani, V., Garg, D., and Hammer, C.,
“Information Flow Control in WebKit's JavaScript Bytecode”, in
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B. Beckert, Bruns, D., Klebanov, V., Scheben, C., Schmitt, P. H., and Ulbrich, M.,
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H. Seidl and Kovács, M.,
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W. Ahrendt, Beckert, B., Bruns, D., Bubel, R., Gladisch, C., Grebing, S., Hähnle, R., Henschel, M., Herda, M., Klebanov, V., Mostowski, W., Scheben, C., Schmitt, P. H., and Ulbrich, M.,
“The KeY Platform for Verification and Analysis of Java Programs”, in
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T. Wüchner, Ochoa, M., and Pretschner, A.,
“Malware Detection with Quantitative Data Flow Graphs”, in
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H. Mantel, Perner, M., and Sauer, J.,
“Noninterference under Weak Memory Models”, in
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T. Bauereiss and Hutter, D.,
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E. Lovat, Oudinet, J., and Pretschner, A.,
“On Quantitative Dynamic Data Flow Tracking”, in
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T. Bauereiss and Hutter, D.,
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E. Lovat and Kelbert, F.,
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M. R. Clarkson, Finkbeiner, B., Koleini, M., Micinski, K. K., Rabe, M. N., and Sánchez, C.,
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H. Blasum, Havle, O., Langenstein, B., Nemouchi, Y., Schmaltz, J., Stephan, W., Tverdyshew, S., Verbeek, F., and Wolf, B.,
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