Reliably Secure Software Systems (RS3) –
DFG Priority Programme 1496

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A. Lehmann, Lohmann, N., and Wolf, K., Stubborn Sets for Simple Linear Time Properties, in Proceedings of 33rd International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency (PETRI NETS 2012), 2012.
C. Atkinson, Gerbig, R., and Kennel, B., Symbiotic general-purpose and domain-specific languages, in Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2012), 2012.
F. Kelbert and Pretschner, A., Towards a Policy Enforcement Infrastructure for Distributed Usage Control, in Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2012), 2012.
C. Atkinson, Gerbig, R., and Tunjic, C., Towards Multi-level Aware Model Transformations, in 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Model Transformations (ICMT 2012), 2012.
C. Scheben and Schmitt, P., Verification of Information Flow Properties of Java Programs without Approximations, in Proceedings of the Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software (FoVeOOS 2011), 2012.
I. Schmitt and Schinzel, S., WAFFle: Fingerprinting Filter Rules of Web Application Firewalls, in {6th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 2012)}, 2012.
R. Accorsi, Anwenden struktureller Nicht-Interferenz zur Sicherheitsanalyse von Workflow-Modellen, in Proceedings of INFORMATIK 2011 - Dependable Software for Critical Infrastructures (DSCI 2011), 2011.
H. Mantel, Sands, D., and Sudbrock, H., Assumptions and Guarantees for Compositional Noninterference, in Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 2011), 2011.
E. Lovat and Pretschner, A., Data-centric multi-layer usage control enforcement: a Social Network Example, in Proceedings of the 16th ACM symposium on Access control models and technologies (SACMAT 2011), 2011.
F. Freiling and Schinzel, S., Detecting Hidden Storage Side Channel Vulnerabilities in Networked Applications, in Proceedings of the 26th International Information Security Conference (IFIP/SEC 2011), 2011.
P. Kumari, Pretschner, A., Peschla, J., and Kuhn, J. - M., Distributed Data Usage Control for Web Applications: A Social Network Implementation, in Proceedings of the 1st ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2011), 2011.
S. Schinzel, An Efficient Mitigation Method for Timing Side Channels on the Web, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design (COSADE 2011), 2011.
T. M. Gawlitza, Lammich, P., Müller-Olm, M., Seidl, H., and Wenner, A., Join-Lock-Sensitive Forward Reachability Analysis for Concurrent Programs with Dynamic Process Creation, in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI 2011), 2011.
F. Hadasch, Mueller, B., and Maedche, A., Leaking Confidential Information by Non-Malicious User Behaviour in Enterprise Systems - Design of an Empirical Study, in Proceedings of the 6th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS 2011), 2011.
A. Pretschner, Lovat, E., and Buechler, M., Representation-Independent Data Usage Control, in 6th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (DPM 2011), 2011.
M. D. Schwarz, Seidl, H., Vojdani, V., Lammich, P., and Müller-Olm, M., Static Analysis of Interrupt-Driven Programs Synchronized via the Priority Ceiling Protocol, in Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2011), 2011.
R. Accorsi and Wonnemann, C., Strong non-leak guarantees for workflow models, in Proceedings of the 26th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2011), 2011.
R. Küsters, Truderung, T., and Vogt, A., Verifiability, Privacy, and Coercion-Resistance: New Insights from a Case Study, in Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S{&}P 2011), 2011.
C. Hammer, Experiences with PDG-based IFC, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS 2010), 2010.
M. Taghdiri, Snelting, G., and Sinz, C., Information Flow Analysis via Path Condition Refinement, in Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Security and Trust (FAST 2010), 2010.
R. Küsters, Truderung, T., and Vogt, A., Proving Coercion-Resistance of Scantegrity II, in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2010), 2010.
D. Wasserrab and Lohner, D., Proving Information Flow Noninterference by Reusing a Machine-Checked Correctness Proof for Slicing, in 6th International Verification Workshop (VERIFY 2010), 2010.
